tarkin-dev list successfully archived
2003-08-01 05:15:03 UTC
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Drew Hess
2003-08-13 19:11:46 UTC
What's going on with Tarkin? I'm not talking about the lack of list
activity (obviously folks are busy with other projects), I'm talking about
the fact that I can't find any mention of it on the xiph.org web site. Is
the project officially dead?

Post by m***@xiph.org
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Lourens Veen
2003-08-13 19:35:55 UTC
Post by Drew Hess
What's going on with Tarkin? I'm not talking about the lack of
list activity (obviously folks are busy with other projects), I'm
talking about the fact that I can't find any mention of it on the
xiph.org web site. Is the project officially dead?
Hey, that's interesting. Understandable, given that xiph is
currently busy with Theora and noone else is working on it either.
Having a long-dormant unfinished project on your website is no good
PR, and misleading at worst. Wise decision I'd say, but a note to
the mailinglist would have been nice...

GPG public key: http://home.student.utwente.nl/l.e.veen/lourens.key

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List archives: http://www.xiph.org/archives/
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